Friday, June 24, 2011

Expedition Impossible

Eh how could I resist writing about ANOTHER show. This show holds a special place in my heart...because I heard about casting and spent a whole weekend trying to get my brothers to go on it with me. After finally convincing my little brother to do it (I told him what would he miss? A few weeks of high school? Maybe graduation? W/e lol guess its good we didn't do it or he wouldn't have won state) but my twin brother decided that school was more important. Really? When is school more important than racing through a Morocco trying to win $50,000? Its not, that's when.

Well for those of you who watched, or continued to read the rest of this blog post. I indeed did not go on to be on the show. Which really pissed me off because I think we should beat at least half these teams. Sure I am not in the best shape but I am more athletic and clever than people think and my brothers are both so I think we would have done good.

Well off to the show!

I thought it was funny when one team was talking about how their strategy was to kick off every team one by one then they saw the blind guy and said "One Down". I almost felt bad but at the same time it was kind of funny. Also I love the blind guy!! He is hilarious.

They had to race through the desert. The first thing they had to do was to climb up a big sand hill. It was around 95 degrees when they were doing this, some teams were like speeding bullets while The Country Boys and Latin Persuasion were lagging behind. One of the Country Boys had to sit down and rest! They talk about big game but clearly he couldn't act it.

Once you passed over the giant hill of sand you reached a point where the teams had to get three camels and take them to the next point. Some teams found this really easy while others struggled. Latin Persuasion had a hard time with this because one of the girls was a diva.

Once you made it to the next check point the teams needed to find water for their camels. One of the gay guys decided he would dig in the sand, which everyone kind of laughed at and thought he was stupid...until he found water. So everyone just nabbed up the water and was on their ways. This gave an advantage to the teams behind because they wouldn't have to find the water they just had to get it out of the predug holes.

The next thing the teams had to do was climb a mountain. Where Grandpa almost fell of a few times. Then the only way down was to repel down its highest point. Mom had a hard time and her daughter cried. I was actually surprised to find that the Latin Persuasion did this with ease.

Then they had to go to a snake charmers and count snakes. The Blind Guys time to shine!! (JK, he was really funny about this part, his team actually counted wrong and had to go back and recount, they first got 10 but the answer was 11). This was basically easy. Luckily for the football players the Fab 3 counted for them and The Country Boys were flirting with Team Kansas so they didn't have to count either ha.

Here is the order they came in and me saying a little about everyone:

1. The Gypsies- CREEPERS!!! Hide your kids, hide your wives and hide your husbands too! They have creeper mustaches.

2. Fab 3- They wear long socks. The two boys are ex's and the girl is one of the boys brothers. I was surprised at how well they did (ok I judge, if it makes you feel better I thought the country boys would do a lot better)

3. The Football Players- what a team name. They look a lot more badass then they are ha. They are rather humble for pro football players, so far at least. They kind of mooched of the FAb 3.

4. Team Kansas- They didn't show these sisters a lot. I feel like the brunette will end up being a little diva. Shes 18 and was probably dragged along by her older sisters (like I tried to do)

5. The Fisherman- Yeah I know nothing about them. I missed them talking which they didn't do for a while into the episode.

6. No Limits- They are climbing buddies, they have the blind guy. Who has climbed Mount Everest so don't underestimate him!

7. The Country Boys- The Black guy had to stop and rest (sorry I don't know names yet). They were put behind because of this. One of the guys, Jason, has had cancer, Crohn's disease and west Nile. So he is clearly a survivor

8. New York Fireman- Don't worry, I thought they were just three old fat guys too.

9. The California Girls- Pretty and Brainy? Well I guess we will see later on if that's true.

10. The Cops-Yup, totally wasn't aware they had a girl until this morning.

11. Mom's Army- Both of the girls were in the national guard.

12. Grandpa's Army- bunch of weirdos if you ask me.

13. Latin Persuasion- Well they are gone so I guess it doesn't matter.

Here Are My Favorites:

1. The Country Boys
2. Mom's Army
3. No Limits
4. The Football Players
5. Fab 3
6. Team Kansas
7. The Gypsies
8. New York Fireman
9. The Cops
10. California Girls
11. The Fisherman
12. Grandpa's Warriors

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