Friday, April 1, 2011

When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum.

Well, another Thursday night and this year that means an Idol goodbye. Because Casey was saved last week we got to see the top 11 perform again and we'd have to loose two. Whe the episode was playing it was almost like the finale everyone was performing with eachother and what not. Why you ask? Probably so they could show of Paul, Casey, Stefano and James' band which I didn't really like. It started off with someone sounding really bad (probably Stefano) but it did shape up near the end.

Before those "fab 4" did there little gig the non crazys sang. The show started off with Lauren and Scotty, can you say idol dream come true? They sounded great together I hope they are in the top 2. Then we had Jakob and Naima sing together, it was fun but since Naima was there it wasn't the best. Then the two ballader's teamed up with Haley to sing teenage dream. I actually really liked this, I don't know who chose this song for them it had to have been the producers because it was nothing like anything those girls sing. I felt bad that Thia didn't get a solo (or did I just miss it) because I was pretty sure she was going home lol.

Well the first person in the bottom three was Naima, no surprise. Then Thia was put into the bottom, once again not a surprise. Then when it was the boys and Paul was in the bottom I wasn't really surprised. After rewatching him this morning I realized it wasn't as good as compared to the others. While I was talking to my mom before the show I said the four people in danger are probably gunna be Thia, Naima, Stefano and Paul. I was pretty confident Thia was going home, I love her but I don't think she brought her all to this competition. Naima is such a good spirit and likeable girl (I think) I thought she'd probably narrowly miss elimination but clearly she didn't quite dodge that bullet and Paul was safe, I really don't think I'd miss Paul if he left though.

New List of my favorites

1. Lauren
2. Scotty
3. Pia (hanging by a thread, only because of her next weeks song)
4. Haley (jumped up after this week)
5. Paul
6. James
7. Jakob
8. Casey
9. Stefano

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