I've been neglecting the blog here. I'm almost scared that it will be coming to an end soon. Maybe not forever because I do enjoy it but possibly for the semester. I am really busy with school and I usually don't watch Survivor live anymore. But don't worry I will try to keep it going, I am also in thinking of switching formats and maybe moving to Tumblr, that way is you like what I post it'd be easier to follow.
I do want to blog about X-Factor and will once they make it to judges houses. I won't blog about the race until next week. I wanted to get these blogs up this weekend but I'm coming up on a new deadline for my next stories and I really want to be making good grades so we will just play things by ear.
I'm forcing myself to write this when I should be studying for an Economics test. I think I'm going to just pick up on survivor later too. :( I'm really bummed about this but I must do what I need to do.
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